1. Hello! My name is Amber, and I blog over at bookstacksamber. I teach deaf and hard of hearing students in Iowa, where I live with my cute doxie mix, Roxie. I read mostly YA, and my favorites are contemporary and science-fiction/fantasy.
2. Right now, I’m reading Tessa Ever After by Brighton Walsh and Volume 7 of Death Note. I’m a big mood reader, and I’m terrible at sticking to one book at a time. I have 10 books on my Currently Reading shelf!
3. The Revolution of Ivy by Amy Engel! My OTSP Secret Sister sent me the first book earlier this year and I absolutely loved it. I can’t wait to see how the duology ends.
4. Try to plan out and schedule your posts in advance as much as possible. That’s something I really struggled with this past year in my first year of blogging, and I’m working to fix that this year. I often found myself scrambling at the last minute to get a post up. I would have saved myself a lot of headache and stress if I’d planned better in advance. Create a blogging schedule and stick to it!
5. I’m on the board of directors for my local food co-op, and that takes up a lot of the time I spend outside of work, reading, and blogging. I like doing crafty things: cross stitch, coloring books, paint-by-number, puzzles, and I’m learning to knit. I also love to cook and bake. I got a spiralizer for Christmas and I’ve been trying a lot of fun, new recipes with that.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bookstacksamber
Instagram: https://instagram.com/bookstacksamber
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/bookstacksamber
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